ethoscope.interactors package

Module contents

ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators module

class ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseStimulator(hardware_connection, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.utils.description.DescribedObject

Template class to interact with the tracked animal in a real-time feedback loop. Derived classes must have an attribute _hardwareInterfaceClass defining the class of the BaseInterface object (not on object) that instances will share with one another. In addition, they must implement a _decide() method.

  • hardware_connection (BaseInterface) – The hardware interface to use.
  • date_range (str) – the start and stop date/time for the stimulator. Format described here

Apply this stimulator. This method will:

  1. check _tracker exists
  2. decide (_decide) whether to interact
  3. if 2. pass the interaction arguments to the hardware interface
Returns:whether a stimulator has worked, and a result dictionary

Link a tracker to this interactor

Parameters:tracker (BaseTracker) – a tracker object.
class ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.DefaultStimulator(hardware_connection, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseStimulator

Default interactor. Simply never interacts

Template class to interact with the tracked animal in a real-time feedback loop. Derived classes must have an attribute _hardwareInterfaceClass defining the class of the BaseInterface object (not on object) that instances will share with one another. In addition, they must implement a _decide() method.

  • hardware_connection (BaseInterface) – The hardware interface to use.
  • date_range (str) –

    the start and stop date/time for the stimulator. Format described here

class ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.HasInteractedVariable[source]

Bases: ethoscope.core.variables.BaseIntVariable

Custom variable to save whether the stimulator has sent instruction to its hardware interface. 0 means
no interaction. Any positive integer describes a different interaction.
functional_type = 'interaction'
header_name = 'has_interacted'

ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators module

any new class added here need to be added to web_utils/ too

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.ExperimentalSleepDepStimulator(hardware_connection, velocity_threshold=0.006, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulator

A stimulator to control a sleep depriver module. This is an experimental version where each channel has a different inactivity_time_threshold.

  • hardware_connection (SleepDepriverInterface) – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
  • velocity_threshold (float) –

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.IsMovingStimulator(hardware_connection=None, velocity_threshold=0.006, date_range='', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseStimulator

class implementing an stimulator that decides whether an animal has moved though does nothing accordingly. :param hardware_connection: a default hardware interface object :param velocity_threshold: Up to which velocity an animal is considered to be immobile :type velocity_threshold: float

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.MiddleCrossingStimulator(hardware_connection, p=1.0, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseStimulator

  • hardware_connection (SleepDepriverInterface) – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
  • p (float) – the probability of disturbing the animal when a beam cross happens

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.OptomotorSleepDepriver(hardware_connection, velocity_threshold=0.006, min_inactive_time=120, pulse_duration=1000, stimulus_type=2, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulator

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulator(hardware_connection, velocity_threshold=0.006, min_inactive_time=120, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.IsMovingStimulator

A stimulator to control a sleep depriver module.

  • hardware_connection (SleepDepriverInterface) – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
  • velocity_threshold (float) –
  • min_inactive_time (float) – the minimal time without motion after which an animal should be disturbed (in seconds)

class ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulatorCR(hardware_connection, velocity_threshold=0.006, min_inactive_time=120, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulator

A stimulator to control a sleep depriver module.

  • hardware_connection (SleepDepriverInterface) – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
  • velocity_threshold (float) –
  • min_inactive_time (float) – the minimal time without motion after which an animal should be disturbed (in seconds)

ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators module

class ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators.DynamicOdourDeliverer(hardware_connection, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators.HasChangedSideStimulator

A stimulator to control a sleep depriver module

Parameters:hardware_connection () – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
class ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators.DynamicOdourSleepDepriver(hardware_connection, velocity_threshold=0.003, min_inactive_time=120, stimulus_duration=5, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.SleepDepStimulator

A stimulator to control an odour sleep depriver module.

  • hardware_connection (SleepDepriverInterface) – the sleep depriver module hardware interface
  • velocity_threshold (float) – The minimal velocity that counts as movement.
  • stimulus_duration (float) – how long the odour delivery takes place for
  • min_inactive_time (float) – the minimal time without motion after which an animal should be disturbed (in seconds)

class ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators.HasChangedSideStimulator(hardware_connection=None, middle_line=0.5)[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseStimulator

class implementing a stimulator that decides whether an animal has change side in its ROI. :param hardware_connection: a default hardware interface object :param middle_line: the x position defining the line to be crossed (from 0 to 1, relative to ROI) :type middle_line: float

class ethoscope.stimulators.odour_stimulators.MiddleCrossingOdourStimulator(hardware_connection, p=1.0, refractory_period=300, stimulus_duration=5, date_range='')[source]

Bases: ethoscope.stimulators.sleep_depriver_stimulators.MiddleCrossingStimulator