Source code for ethoscope.drawers.drawers

__author__ = 'quentin'

import cv2
    from import CV_FOURCC as VideoWriter_fourcc
    from import CV_AA as LINE_AA
except ImportError:
    from cv2 import VideoWriter_fourcc
    from cv2 import LINE_AA

from ethoscope.utils.description import DescribedObject
import os

[docs]class BaseDrawer(object): def __init__(self, video_out=None, draw_frames=True, video_out_fourcc="DIVX", video_out_fps=2): """ A template class to annotate and save the processed frames. It can also save the annotated frames in a video file and/or display them in a new window. The :meth:`~ethoscope.drawers.drawers.BaseDrawer._annotate_frame` abstract method defines how frames are annotated. :param video_out: The path to the output file (.avi) :type video_out: str :param draw_frames: Whether frames should be displayed on the screen (a new window will be created). :type draw_frames: bool :param video_out_fourcc: When setting ``video_out``, this defines the codec used to save the output video (see `fourcc <>`_) :type video_out_fourcc: str :param video_out_fps: When setting ``video_out``, this defines the output fps. typically, the same as the input fps. :type video_out_fps: float """ self._video_out = video_out self._draw_frames= draw_frames self._video_writer = None self._window_name = "ethoscope_" + str(os.getpid()) self._video_out_fourcc = video_out_fourcc self._video_out_fps = video_out_fps if draw_frames: cv2.namedWindow(self._window_name, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) self._last_drawn_frame = None def _annotate_frame(self,img, positions, tracking_units): """ Abstract method defining how frames should be annotated. The `img` array, which is passed by reference, is meant to be modified by this method. :param img: the frame that was just processed :type img: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param positions: a list of positions resulting from analysis of the frame :type positions: list(:class:`~ethoscope.core.data_point.DataPoint`) :param tracking_units: the tracking units corresponding to the positions :type tracking_units: list(:class:`~ethoscope.core.tracking_unit.TrackingUnit`) :return: """ raise NotImplementedError @property def last_drawn_frame(self): return self._last_drawn_frame
[docs] def draw(self,img, positions, tracking_units): """ Draw results on a frame. :param img: the frame that was just processed :type img: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param positions: a list of positions resulting from analysis of the frame by a tracker :type positions: list(:class:`~ethoscope.core.data_point.DataPoint`) :param tracking_units: the tracking units corresponding to the positions :type tracking_units: list(:class:`~ethoscope.core.tracking_unit.TrackingUnit`) :return: """ self._last_drawn_frame = img.copy() self._annotate_frame(self._last_drawn_frame, positions,tracking_units) if self._draw_frames: cv2.imshow(self._window_name, self._last_drawn_frame ) cv2.waitKey(1) if self._video_out is None: return if self._video_writer is None: self._video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(self._video_out, VideoWriter_fourcc(*self._video_out_fourcc), self._video_out_fps, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) self._video_writer.write(self._last_drawn_frame)
def __del__(self): if self._draw_frames: cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.destroyAllWindows() cv2.waitKey(1) if self._video_writer is not None: self._video_writer.release()
[docs]class NullDrawer(BaseDrawer): def __init__(self): """ A drawer that does nothing (no video writing, no annotation, no display on the screen). :return: """ super(NullDrawer,self).__init__( draw_frames=False) def _annotate_frame(self,img, positions, tracking_units): pass
[docs]class DefaultDrawer(BaseDrawer): def __init__(self, video_out= None, draw_frames=False): """ The default drawer. It draws ellipses on the detected objects and polygons around ROIs. When an "interaction" see :class:`~ethoscope.stimulators.stimulators.BaseInteractor` happens within a ROI, the ellipse is red, blue otherwise. :param video_out: The path to the output file (.avi) :type video_out: str :param draw_frames: Whether frames should be displayed on the screen (a new window will be created). :type draw_frames: bool """ super(DefaultDrawer,self).__init__(video_out=video_out, draw_frames=draw_frames) def _annotate_frame(self,img, positions, tracking_units): if img is None: return for track_u in tracking_units: x,y = track_u.roi.offset y += track_u.roi.rectangle[3]/2 cv2.putText(img, str(track_u.roi.idx), (x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255,255,0)) black_colour = (0, 0,0) roi_colour = (0, 255,0) cv2.drawContours(img,[track_u.roi.polygon],-1, black_colour, 3, LINE_AA) cv2.drawContours(img,[track_u.roi.polygon],-1, roi_colour, 1, LINE_AA) try: pos_list = positions[track_u.roi.idx] except KeyError: continue for pos in pos_list: colour = (0 ,0, 255) try: if pos["has_interacted"]: colour = (255, 0,0) except KeyError: pass cv2.ellipse(img,((pos["x"],pos["y"]), (pos["w"],pos["h"]), pos["phi"]),black_colour,3, LINE_AA) cv2.ellipse(img,((pos["x"],pos["y"]), (pos["w"],pos["h"]), pos["phi"]),colour,1, LINE_AA)